
Elektron-Senkron Software Ltd. is a leading software company that develops software products for various organizations in different sectors. After the first establishment, we began developing our products for Microsoft Dynamics AX systems and all of our products are designed to work natively with this infrastructure.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Expertise :

Our company is continuing to use its expertise on Microsoft Dynamics AX since 2008. From 2008 year until now, we signed and finished many projects and gained a competitive advantage by developing our products compatible with MS Dynamics AX. As a result, by this manner we could develop our products faster than any other company and descreased costs for manwork/day ratio seriously providing our clients fast, easily integratable architecture that doesn’t need to change their environment. The best examples for this working way are warehouse management systems, POS solutions and freedom to use software on mobile platforms.

Why Elektron-Senkron ?

Elektron-Senkron is extending the structure that exists within MS Dynamics AX with its own modules and provide a way to finish projects within few months and with only a feasable integration cost. As an example, a warehouse management project that has a 6 months timeline can be finished within 2-3 months and this means 50 % lowered integration cost.

After working with Elektron-Senkron, organizations that invested on this MS Dynamics AX infrastructure descreased seriously the costs for consultancy and projects are going online faster than ever.

Solution Partnership :

For our solutions, we are partnering with many hardware and software companies.

If you have a software develeopment company, we are carrying development costs instead of your organization and providing fast project delivery. By this way we are offering project based human resource need and eliminate cost for this expertise. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact us by e-mail to for details and our offerings. We’ll be happy to work with you.

If you have a hardware company, we are helping you in order to deliver a complete solution. Actually providing a complete solution is preferred by customers than offering only hardware solution. By this way you can establish a strategic partnering with your customers and provide value for other projects. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact us by e-mail to for details and our offerings. We’ll be happy to work with you.

What We Offer For You ?

As Elektron-Senkron we can help and create a value for you about following topics :

Mobile System Development :

You can transfer your infrastructure from existing MS Dynamics AX to mobile systems. Your staff on-site can easily collect orders by smart phone or tablet and gather information by those devices. In this way you can deliver fastest services to your customers when you’re at their location.

POS (Point Of Sale) Solutions :

You can use your already purchased POS systems and integrate them with your infrastructure. Independent from your hardware, there is no matter what kind of O/S you’re using on your POS like Linux, Windows or Android. We can all integrate with MS Dynamics AX. You can eliminate new hardware investment and use your existing infrastructure.

Hand Held Terminals & PCs :

Elektron-Senkron has developed software for hand held terminals & PCs and integrated this software with MS Dynamics AX infrastructure. If you need any kind of software for your hand held terminals and PCs you can integrate any kind of hardware (Windows CE, Android) with MS Dynamics AX and follow up warehouse counting and forwarding operations live on your MS Dynamics AX screen.

Reselling & Affiliates :

Elektron – Senkron Software Ltd. has an affiliate & reseller program related to its software products..

Specially MobADIS and MobilOR products have suitable costs and high revenue. Despite other software companies, Elektron – Senkron is offering high revenue affiliate & partnership model.

If you intend to be an affiliate & resell our products you’re welcome !. Pls. send us an e-mail regarding your request to . We’ll be happy to discuss our offerings and help you to succeed.

After your affiliate & reseller account is ready and approved, we’ll give you a demo product license and you’ll be able to show the software to your clients. Also we’ll assist you and support for sales meetings and visit your client with you. We’ll also prepare presentations for your sale.

For Investors :

Elektron-Senkron is seeking international and national investors for its operations. If you’re an investor and want to invest for an IT/software company, you’re at the right place. In order to evaluate possible market opportunities pls. contact with us by e-mail to . We’ll be happy to discuss these possibilites with you.

About Us

Elektron – Senkron Software Ltd. is established in 2006 within Istanbul Technical University by KOSGEB scope. Our company uses the infrastructure knowledge experience, constituted by consultant scientists & engineers within Elektron-Senkron, for business processes related software products. Our business area of activity includes following topics : Consultancy services, project management and software development for Microsoft Dynamics AX …

Affiliate & Reselling

Elektron – Senkron Software Ltd. has an extensive affiliate & reselling program for software products. Specially MobADIS & MobilOR softwares are cost effective and revenue generating products. Elektron-Senkron is supporting an affiliate & reselling model that brings you a high revenue rate among other software development companies. If you intend to get information about our …

Human Resources

You can send us your CV to the e-mail address below. We’ll be happy to work with you for new vacations : e-mail :

Solution Partnership

Elektron-Senkron Software Ltd. is utilizing its extensive business process knowledge related to web based software and mobile products by developing solutions with other hardware and software companies.. Solution development is consisting of following topics : Transition of all kind of software to mobile systems Barcode Systems and integration of those systems with ERP & Mobile …